Salario (Salary)

The concept of salary in Mexico refers to the monetary compensation that an individual receives from their employer in exchange for the labor services provided. Employers may choose different payment modalities, with monthly salaries being the most common among foreign personnel. However, in some hourly or temporary positions, payment may be on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Mexico has a government-established minimum wage that varies based on the geographic region of the country. This minimum amount is regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure that workers receive fair remuneration. It is important to be aware of the applicable minimum wage in the specific region where the work is performed. In many cases, employees can negotiate their salary when being hired or during periodic reviews. Negotiating power may depend on factors such as work experience, specialized skills, and demand in the job market.

Salaries are subject to taxes, and companies make corresponding deductions to fulfill fiscal obligations. Workers should be aware of their tax responsibilities and file tax returns appropriately.

The work culture in Mexico values commitment and responsibility. Employees are expected to fulfill their tasks efficiently and demonstrate dedication to their work. Punctuality and work ethic are appreciated aspects in the Mexican work environment.

The law establishes…

Based on the provisions of the Federal Labor Law of Mexico, the following is indicated:

Article 82.

Salary is the compensation that the employer must pay to the worker for their labor.

Article 83.-

The salary can be fixed on a unit of time, unit of work, commission, lump sum, or in any other manner. In the case of a salary based on a unit of time, this nature will be specifically established. The worker and the employer may agree on the amount, provided that it is a remunerative salary, as well as the payment for each hour of service, as long as it does not exceed the maximum legal working hours, and the labor rights and social security rights corresponding to the position in question are respected. The income received by workers under this arrangement shall in no case be less than that corresponding to a daily workday.

When the salary is fixed based on a unit of work, in addition to specifying the nature of the work, the quantity and quality of the material, the condition of the tools and equipment provided by the employer, if applicable, for the execution of the work, and the duration for which they will be made available to the worker, will be stated, without the employer being able to demand any amount for the natural wear and tear suffered by the tools as a result of the work.

Article 85.-

The salary must be remunerative and never less than the minimum set according to the provisions of this Law. When determining the amount of the salary, the quantity and quality of the work will be taken into consideration. In the case of a salary based on a unit of work, the compensation paid shall be such that for normal work during an eight-hour day, it results in at least the minimum wage.

Article 86.-

For equal work performed in the same position, working hours, and conditions of efficiency, equal pay should be provided..

Article 88.-

The deadlines for salary payment shall never exceed one week for individuals engaged in manual labor and fifteen days for other workers.

Standard counsel

When entering the workforce in Mexico, it is crucial to consider some key advice. Firstly, acquaint yourself with the various ways in which salaries can be determined, whether by unit of time, unit of work, commission, or other modalities. When negotiating your salary, especially if it is hourly, ensure that it is fair, adhering to the legal limits of the maximum working hours and taking into account your labor and social security rights.

If your salary is set based on a unit of work, understand the nature of the job, the quality of the provided materials, and the conditions related to the tools. Ensure that the compensation is at least equivalent to the minimum wage for a normal eight-hour workday.

Verify that your salary is remunerative and never below the minimum set by law, considering both the quantity and quality of your work. Familiarize yourself with your rights regarding pay equality; if performing equal work, you should receive equal pay.

Additionally, ensure that you receive your salary within the timelines established by law. In Mexico, these deadlines should not exceed one week for manual workers and fifteen days for other employees. Lastly, read and understand the legal provisions related to salaries in Mexico, specifically the mentioned articles. Being informed will enable you to effectively manage your employment relationship and ensure your rights are respected.

Most importantly, ensure that your salary and payment conditions are clearly outlined in a labor contract in your language.

if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys

Sir James Goldsmith

Roger Mariano

Roger Mariano

Deputy General Manager, Manager, Consultant, Professor, lecturer, with over 20 years of experience in key roles in the Human Resources field, often serving as a change agent in both National and Multinational Companies. I aim to support my national and international colleagues, as well as anyone interested in learning about my experience in human resources management in Mexico.

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